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The Hudsons

Hoped, wished and longed for.  A beautiful dream came true this year and this gorgeous young mom wanted to document this amazing time in the life of her and her handsome husband.

I spent a weekend this fall on beautiful Prince Edward Island where I witnessed much beauty.

I saw the sun rise behind an angel on the top of majestic red sand cliffs.

I spent the afternoon in a the sweetest little farmhouse that Anne herself would have been right at home.

I watch the sun set in the west in the most western point of the province and I spent an afternoon watching two fur babies run on a beach of sand that actually sang.

The weather was unbelievably warm, but not surprising to me as it so fit the sunshiny happiness that surrounded this sweet couple.

And I spent my final evening on a secluded beach by a crackling campfire watching the sun set into a sapphire sea of blue.

It was a beautiful time full of happiness, excitement and anticipation.  I have tried to capture just a bit of it with my photographs.

This is my record of that weekend.


The Hudson Family –


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admin - December 10, 2014 - 9:47 am

Thank you 🙂 And yes, she (he too) is stunning!

Kathy wells - December 10, 2014 - 7:57 am

Just fantastic! You did it again! Of course you did have a beautiful subject!

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