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Brrrrrrrr at the Beach

It was such a nice day that  we though it would be a good idea to pack a picnic and head to the beach.  The thermometer read 27′ at the house,  and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

We live about 45 minutes from the beach so one would think that the weather would be similar, right?   WRONG

My husband says I tend to exagerate my stories a bit (totally not true), but on this day he was there with me to verify my account of the event.

It wasn’t just cool. It was wind from the northern most tip of Siberra that cills you to your bones and makes your teeth rattle in your frozen head..

Determined to atleast take a walk, we wrapped ourselves in our sweaters and what towels and blankets we had brought and bravely treked up the beach. After snapping a picture to record our adventure, we decided it we weren’t the brave adventurers we thought we were.  We huddled,  in our beach chairs and TRIED to have our picnic.

I wonder if Guinnis Book of World Records has a category for world’s fastest picnic?

(My adventurous husband ate his chicken from the confort of his  truck.)




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