Masthead header

November 6, 2011

David and I spent the day in Halifax.  It was another beautiful day so after a little shopping, we took a walk to the Public Gardens and then explored the  adjoining Camp Hill Cemetery. It seems so wrong to say a graveyard is pretty, but this one is.

It is  in stark contrast to the Pulic Gardens which are now so open and sunny (thanks to Hurricane Huan) with it’s duck ponds and families throughout.  There are well kept paths and park benches scattered amonst the mature trees.  I can’t say I’ve spent a lot of time exploring graveyards, but this was the first time I have ever seen headstones placed in circular designs.- Not sure what the relivance of that was, or if it was simply astethic.  We found the remains of a few “famous” residents and saw some stones that were more museum-like than one would expect to find in a cemetery.

And not meaning to be in any way disrespectful in any way, and due to the fact that he is, after all a crazy teenager, he wanted a picture of two taken while there.





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