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Leo at 4 Months

August 5, 2012

My handsome little nephew turned 4 months old recently.

My beautiful sister and I took him to the beach for some outdoor pictures. (Which was so foggy on this particular evening that it felt like it was raining,,,, but that’s a whole other story!)

-When you are too big to lay quietly and too little to sit up, how does one take a picture of you?

They plop you in a bucket (or basket) (of course) and let you chew on your yummy little fists!

— and before I get too many hate letters for endangering the little guy (mom) ,, the images of Leo that look like we set him off to sea by himself are all composites.

His very careful mama would never put her little man in any type of danger and was standing with her hand on the bucket the entire time.

The bucket was on the sand when a wave decided to come in a bit farther than the rest,  it made it look like we had set him adrift!

– Here is one of the images straight from the camera… 🙂


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admin - August 28, 2012 - 4:30 pm

I totally agree. No picture is worth endangering a child-

tara gillis - August 28, 2012 - 3:56 pm

Beautiful Wendy, Laura is one lucky mama! Thanks for posting they were composites, safety for the wee babes is the most important!

Shauna - August 28, 2012 - 9:33 am

How did I ever get so lucky to come from a line of such beautiful women? Can’t wait to see you all this weekend:)<3

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