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Autumn Walk

I can’t believe how quickly Miss Leah is growing. 18 months already!

We took her and her big brother for a walk last month to get some photos to mark the milestone.

The fall colours were still bright and the grass was wet from the night time rain.

The sun was just starting to peek from behind the clouds and flocks of geese passed overhead, on their way to warmer lands.

It was a magnificent morning.

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admin - November 28, 2012 - 1:22 pm

Thanks so much Nadine for your kind words! – The children are truly beautiful.

Nadine Morton - November 28, 2012 - 1:03 pm

Wow Wendy…these pictures of Karen and the kids are amazing!! Love them…your talent is to be admired…great the colors. Nadine 🙂

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