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Annie on Broadway

During our visit to Rhode Island last week, we took a side trip into New York for the night. (How exciting is that?!)

During the previous week, Abbie and her Daddy spent several evenings on the internet, trying to pick which play they wanted to see when in the city.

It was never a question for Abbie.  From the first time she saw a clip of it on you-tube, all she talked about was “Annie”.

She fell in love with the sweet story of the cute little girl who was rescued from the terrible orphanage by the wonderful Daddy Warbucks.

Just as we were leaving our hotel room, I got her to stop dancing for just one moment (She had been dancing all day as she sang the songs she now knew by heart from the musical.) for a picture to commemorate the big night.

As I was adjusting the settings on my camera, I could hear her directing Brian to how to hold his hands for “the Annie” handshake. (I didn’t even know one existed.)

I must have a little actress on my hands, because I realized as I was taking the picture that she was still in character, because (minus the red hair) before my eyes was the little orphan gazing lovingly into her Daddy Warbuck’s eyes.

(Who, as you can clearly see adores his little girl.)



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Shauna - March 26, 2013 - 9:33 pm

This is adorable!

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