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The Hudson’s – An Autumn Maternity Photoshoot & Family Photos

I get very excited when Brandi calls to book a photo shoot.  Not only is her little family gorgeous, but she is always up for any crazy idea I may have.  There’s not many people who would get up pre dawn and drive an hour to a location for a photo shoot.  Add to that that she is to wear a tulle dress.  Add to that it is the end of October and we are on the side of the ocean in Prince Edward Island.  Add to that being 7 1/2 months pregnant. (I think you get the picture.)

Having said that, I think it was so worth it. (Which is easy for me to say, as I wasn’t the one in the tulle dress in the beach at dawn in October.) What an amazing memento to have of her pregnancy. (And for me – I intend to put one of these on the wall of my studio for everyone to see:)


The next day we found the prettiest little road, complete with red clay sand and birch trees in their full glory and took some family photos.   Little Owen is adorable, and his smile is contagious.  What a stunning family.


Thank you so much.


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